Our food 2021
You are what you eat! This is what your cells are built from.
Jan and I have dedicated our lives to feeling good in our body, mind and soul. We have grown up with very unhealthy nutrition and both at some points in our lives, drastically stopped this unconscious eating and started a journey to discover what the foods are that keep us in balance and at good health.
We tried everything (both long time before we knew each other) from vegan to paleo, keto and carnivor, cooked and raw. Also different ways of fasting, detoxing and cleansing we have explored. I personally have very disciplined led a food diary for exactly six months to understand my food intolerances.
This journey brought us both back to our instincts for our individual needs.
We are just humans, we don´t do this 100% (we both had to for a few years to heal from chronic disease) and it´s nice to be surrounded nowadays with a tiny but lovely community of people who also value healthy eating (everyone in their own interpretation of course).
Here I write a bit more in detail about our nutrition.
The whole January we had the pleasure of having the young Italian Giulio living with us and cooking for us after Jan´s accident Delicious Italian Gnocchis by Giulio Pumpkin Risotto by Giulio Ravioli filled with pumpkin purée by Giulio Ravioli filled with pumpkin purée by Giulio With a butter-herb sauce Here we got some freshly caught fish from a fisherman friend Homemade sourdough rice bread with fresh pesto, salad and butter and goat cheese. Spring rolls in rice paper Filled with veggies and sea food A good piece of pastured beef with lots of garden veggies and young potatos Love goes through the stomach, we say in Germany. Jan making fried potatos A fresh salad with grated carrots and parsnips and fresh mung bean sprouts So happy to have found some gluten free couscous! We also get one made from lentils and chickpeas here. Gluten free couscous salad An other couscous salad Jan making tender fish filets Just melting in your mouth Our eating-wellness zone This is gonna be a carrot soup with ginger, turmeric and garlic (plus coconut milk) Salad with guavas and cactus fruits An other salad A fresh green juice Gluten free dumplings Jan´s first German dumplings^^ Gluten free spätzle with bone broth Omelette with potatos Salad with dandelion flowers and strawberries from the garden Sprout salad An other sprout salad Banana ice cream with mint A glimpse in our fridge; we mostly have it for the butter. Meat is frozen and the rest comes freshly from the garden A display of the fats that we use Porridge with banana, hemp seeds, bee pollen and coconut milk Some salad with kale and Malabar spinach. We keep the consumption of things like spinach and chard (mangold) low though, to keep the oxalic acid intake low. Beautiful beet root So lovely, a lunch in boat Henrietta! Food making together Lots of beans Pumpkin red beet soup with safflower petals Gluten-free waffle (eggs and sweet potato flour) with beetroot ice cream and bee pollen Pumpkin flowers in dough (rice flour, sea salt and eggs), filled with goat cheese Pumpkin flowers in dough (rice flour, sea salt and eggs), filled with goat cheese, fried in butter Literally everything from the own garden! The late summer is just an amazing time here. Frittata: Eggs, rice flour, sea salt and lots of cubed and grated veggies Veggie – Quinoa. I recommend to soak the Quinoa over night to deactivate phytates and other antinutrients and make all the good minerals bioavailable A bread made from oats, psyllium husk and lots of seeds, soaked over night before baked. Gluten free waffle with banana ice cream, topped with a home made marmelade from blackberries and figs (no added sugar anywhere) Jan found good use for his grandmother´s grinder! It tastes really good and is easily digestible, breaks open the cell walls. Adding some banana was genius! More banana ice cream with Graciosa Spirulina I made cubes out of a blend of herbs, turmeric and some olive oil I have them in the freezer and can easily pop one out and into a pan I make, so I don´t have to always run in the garden for fresh herbs A purée made from Aracas Fruit salad with Aracas and pineapple from the garden and a araca purée with coconut milk and shredded coconut Muffins made from eggs, boiled sweet potatos and bananas blended together, all from the garden We both love to eat octopus Omelette with our own first bell peppers Always good, a warming, nourishing and regenerating bone broth Cake made out of eggs, almond flour and sugar free choco drops Peanuts from the own garden Roasted peanuts in pumpkin soup Nice and crunchy Yacon Gluten free Lasagna with goat cheese Béchamel sauce made with butter and rice flour for the Lasagna on the wood stove Gluten free Lasagna with goat cheese Christmas dinner, Bone broth and roasted butternut squash For desert banana icecream with Maca and baked apple crusted with grated almond and coconut sugar