Springtime, Sea of Flowers & the Beginning of a Lovestory
I will just let pictures speak… But if I could share this sweet paradisiac smell with you! Oh how was my first spring in the Azores. After a dark and heavy winter after leaving my home country Germany in November 19. Making a last trip into my old home in February, before the borders were closed, all flights stopped for many months. Coming back to THIS! What a welcome, and such a feeling of being exactly were I am longing to be.
The last picture shows a big rainbow over my land I got after a night full of grieve when I decided to leave my husband, who was stuck in Germany due to the Covid Shutdown, after 14 years of relationship, and open up to Jan’s love… Mother Earth was slowly, gently but in a determined way nudging me into that direction, against my fears and resistance. I still had many heavy trials ahead… But also the door opening to really start to LIVE.