Events, Offers,  Healthy Lifestyle

QC Events May 2023 pics

Impressions from our Early summer clearing and alignment evening. We enjoyed a booked out workshop, clarity bringing and realigning exercises, relaxing music, good food and conversations together 💚🙏

Our hearts are still filled up from this event „The perfect nutrition: Learning from our ancestors“ Presentation and health food buffet in our Quinta, where we were learning together about true nourishing and healing foods, which had kept our ancestors and the old cultures of humanity healthy and vibrantly thriving for millennia. Based on the work of dentist Dr. Weston A. Price, who traveled the world together with his dear wife in the 1930s to study the last indigenous and isolated tribes.

Also about the importance of supportive communities and healthy, living soil. Thank you for everybody who came for learning with us how to improve life, for contributed and also gave a donation for the work of the animal protection on this island! Thanks to my friends for the great work you are already doing here for the children, the animals, the nature and good nutrition. With Sónia and her green Azorean nutrient-powerhouses and Ana Margarida from the new animal shelter of Graciosa.

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