Rawfoodcake-Show 2020/21
Our rawcakes always consist out of 3 layers:
- Bottom: Ca. 60% Nuts (I tolerate best almonds, cashews, brazil, macadamia) & seeds (pine, sunflower, pumpkin, hemp, chia, flax), chufas, ca. 40% dried fruits (dates, figs). Other optional ingredients: Raw carob- or cacaopowder, cacaonibs, vanilla, ceylon-cinnamon, shredded carrot, collagen-powder (we are not rawfoodists, vegans or vegetarians anymore). Mix everything into a formable coarse or fine dough in a blender. Press it evenly into a cake springform tin.
- Top cream: Usually as the main base a mix of ripe avocado and banana, other fruits (no melons, too watery) like mango also possible, a little bit of lemon juice/peel, a bit of ascorbic acid or camu camu as an antioxidant and for the health benefits for the immune system, a good table spoon of very soft coconutoil, or some high fat coconut milk, a bit of matcha oder spirulina powder for a nice healthy intense green color, a table spoon of maca powder, mint or lemon balm leafs. Mix everything to a smooth paste in a blender. It should be relatively thick. Evenly spread it on top of the bottom layer.
- Top decoration: Some edible flowers, berrys, slices of fruits, shredded coconut, mint leafs… just get colorful and creative! =)
Store the cake in the fridge to keep it fresh and the cream layer solid. We never managed to keep anything until the next day, but you should not store it longer than one and a half days in my opinion. If you can´t wait to eat it and want to serve your raw cake very quickly, I recommend to put it for ten minutes into the freezer before you serve it to have a good consistency!
Enjoy with someone you love! Take your time to dive deeply into the exotic taste adventure…
Decorated with dried Açafrão-thistle Surprise visit for our (in february sadly passed away from her cancer treatment) friend Sibylle, who has supported us tremendously in the past with her soundtherapy and letting us (and some other people, while I was still searching for a house and before Jan and me became a couple) use one of her apartments for some months. Decorated with shredded coconut, blackberry, mint- and calendula flowers Happy birthday Jan! <3 September 2020 With spirulina, decorated with Indian cress (nasturtium) flowers