Painting the houses
For painting we were using a silicatepaint. It is like a liquid stonepowder, natural, no toxic chemicals, and the walls can still breathe. We are very happy about the new looks of our Quinta!
5.6.2021 Filling all the little holes and fissures in the old part of the house I could not work in our place on some days without earprotection because of the immense noise from the construction side of our neighbors. Especially the penetrating machine noises, lots of stonecutting, drilling etc, was heavy for us, but also the shouting of more than a dozen of men up to 6 days a week. It was going on since January, extremely exhausting on all levels, it was hard to get any works at our own house started. But we just kept going as much as was in our power. Sometimes you just have to push through (also energetically) to manifest your own dreams and get some space to live on this earth, and as you can see, I found a solution here. =) Oh this was also a treasure hunt to get all the letters here on this island. It was a nice visual to see our dream manifesting more and more in front of our eyes. 25.6.21 A big day for us, I was so excited! Jan is attaching our Quinta´s name next to our entrance! Celebrations! 19.7.21 23.7.21 26.7.21 Let us make all things new… Beautified life… Happy house.