Beautiful abundant garden Spring 21
The subtropical climate of the Azores is just perfect, almost everything grows here, except for fruits which need frost. We have fresh veggies and herbs the whole year around, also in winter there is a great variety, like different kinds of cabbages, salads, carrots, and things from the onion family grow very well. Also many fruits like Anonas (Cheremoya), Araçás and Loquat (Nesperes) are ripe in Winter and early spring.
Jan was really ambitious to make a big start now in our garden, with a large variety. His bad leg injury was not holding him back at all (typical Virgo I guess, but I just have to say that I have rarely met a man who is so positive and loyal to his mission and dreams, against all odds).
Bananas, almost ready for harvest. It takes around 1,5 years from the little offshoot to the ready fruits. Tree cat Princesa Princesa, Caldeira (the volcano) in the background Lemon and guava Iberian green frog Our garden, Pico in the background, on a clear day. Usually we can get quite a lot of rain in spring and don´t have to water the garden at all. The Avocado trees get fresh young leafs Our new field gives the first crops, horse Lilla Gubben helps keep the grass short and produces compost for us Pumpkins Yacon Inhame, Taro Leeks Tomato, red beets and cucumber Chards and strawberries Sugar snap peas Malaba spinach Sugar snap peas Wild spinach We get lots of amazing flowers in spring Peanut Safflower, typically used in the Azores as Saffron substitute Pumpkins More Pumpkins Comfrey Salad Sweet potatoes Jan is doing most of the hard garden work, I´m keeping everything together mostly from my office at the moment. Jan is mainly doing the planting, my job is more the harvesting and processing in the kitchen and seeing that everybody is well fed. Healthy potatoes. Amazing what Jan has accomplished so shortly after his bad accident! Carrots, onions and artichokes Carrots, onions and artichokes